Summer Essential Tips

Summer is a time when you enjoy your home the most as the weather is warmer and you’re often entertaining more frequently.

Here are some tips to use while the warm weather lasts!

  • Install an outdoor clothesline – Take advantage of the warm weather and dry your clothing outside. You’ll save money and energy by not using your dryer.
  • Turn off lights & powerpoints – Turning off heat sources such as lights, lamps, the TV and power adaptors will not only keep your home cooler but will also reduce your bills. Anything not being used should be switched off at the wall.
  • Clean your outdoor setting & BBQ – Get ready to entertain friends and family more by cleaning up your outdoor setting and BBQ.
  • Pool maintenance – If your pool hasn’t seen any attention for a few months get it ready for swimming by cleaning it up, ensuring your pumps are working, balancing the chemicals and checking the solar or gas heating.
  • Detectors – Check your smoke detectors.
  • Fire plan – If you live in a fire prone area ensure that you and your family have an organised fire plan in place for the warmer months ahead.
  • Check your deck – Look over your decking for signs of rotting and nails poking out. You can then determine whether your deck needs sealing and any maintenance.
  • Inspect your gutters – Clean out leafy built up debris in your gutters.
  • Close windows – Close your windows, blinds and shades before the morning sun hits your home. This will keep the heat out on hot days.
  • Energy rating – If you want to invest in a new air conditioning system consider buying one with a high energy rating. This will save you money on bills over the life of the system.
